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About Us

We live a “silent revolution”, a paradigm shift that some people already call the new economy. Few organizations and companies are doubtful of the need to arm themselves with tools to face the great challenges facing us in the next decade: digital revolution, climate change, access to natural resources, changing policies, social equity …

In this context, Ecoemprende is born as a Consulting & Service company specialized in sustainability and social innovation, that accompanies and helps its clients to adapt to the new era by improving their economic, social and environmental impact.

More than 100 projects developed since 2010 support us. Our success is based on our clients’ satisfaction (public administration, companies and professionals.)

We want to be:


within our field and geographical scope, composed by a professional team offering credibility and quality.


With a full capacity to integrate services and technological improvements that solve the needs of our clients with a customized service.


Involving our stake-holders in the mission of Ecoemprende, fostering spaces for creativity and returning positively in society.

Core team

15 + 14 =

Silvia Montoya

Silvia Montoya

Co-Founder & CEO

Jose Arribas

Jose Arribas

Co-founder & director

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